These tips will help you maintain your reproductive health.

They will also teach you to determine what is the norm from the point of view of gynecology, and what goes beyond it and requires treatment.

# 1

Pay special attention to discharge. In fact, everyone has them, only some are always transparent, while others at some point become yellowish and thicker. They are stable only in one case: when a woman is taking oral contraceptives. It is very important to regularly monitor how the amount and consistency of discharge changes during the menstrual cycle. This will help to notice certain deviations in time. Their unusual properties are a sign of some kind of infection, especially if there are other accompanying symptoms.

For example, white, cheesy discharge and intense itching usually indicate a fungal infection. Liquid colorless with a dubious odor that appears after sex can be a sign of bacterial vaginosis – the most common genital infection in women under the age of 40. And the unpleasantly smelling greenish and bubbling ones indicate the presence of trichomoniasis.

Sexually active women aged 15-25 are recommended to be tested annually for chlamydia. If the result is positive, it is necessary to check for the presence of gonococci. These are the causative agents of gonorrhea, a sexually transmitted disease that usually accompanies chlamydia.

# 2

Don’t ignore recurring symptoms. 75% of women have a fungal infection at least once – candidiasis, or thrush. If you can determine it yourself, use special vaginal suppositories or creams. If you are not sure about the diagnosis or the disease does not go away after a course of treatment, contact your gynecologist
After testing to rule out other fungal diseases and infections, he will prescribe Diflucan. You can be completely cured by taking just 1 capsule of this medication by mouth. True, it can negatively affect the liver, but it does not at all affect the effect of birth control pills.

The genital herpes virus “lives” in the body in almost 90% of people. However, it is activated only in 10-20% of those infected, most often with weakened immunity, colds or stress. They can be infected not only during sex, but also when using personal hygiene items of a sick person.

# 3

Be aware of the factors that contribute to the development of infection. Everything that affects the level of hormones and the acid-base balance of the vagina increases the risk of diseases: diabetes, pregnancy, antibiotics, contraceptive pills. Keep antifungal medications at home and start taking them at the first sign of illness. By the way, antibiotics and oral contraceptives increase the likelihood of bacterial vaginosis, which is often confused with fungal infections and is tried to be treated with the same means. If you notice its symptoms (for example, the smell of discharge), immediately go to the doctor.

Other factors can also trigger the infection. By douching, you flush out the beneficial bacteria that regulate disease-causing bacteria from your vagina, which often leads to vaginosis. The shower gel or perfumed powder you use for intimate hygiene interferes with the natural protective flora of the vagina.

These foods can cause an allergic reaction called nonspecific vaginitis. Therefore, if you suspect that the aromatic bath salt that was given to you is irritating the vaginal mucosa, throw it away without regret.

# 4

Never neglect safe sex. Don’t let your guard down, even if you are completely confident in your partner.

Remember, a condom is the best protection against sexually transmitted diseases. True, he will not give you a 100% guarantee either. Therefore, if you notice any suspicious symptoms, see your doctor right away.

Hepatitis B is the only sexually transmitted disease for which a vaccine has been developed. Preventive vaccination is done in three stages. It must be repeated every 10-12 years.

# 5

Get regular medical examinations. Many women are sure: a negative result of a traditional Pap smear when examining automatically means that they do not have sexually transmitted diseases. And they are deeply mistaken. He speaks only about the absence of cancer cells and papilloma-virus.

That is why, even if nothing bothers you, it is necessary to visit the gynecologist twice a year and do all the tests. Especially when a new sexual partner appears, as this increases the risk of bacterial vaginosis, chlamydia and trichomoniasis.

Such diseases go away without pronounced symptoms and, if neglected, can lead to infertility, ectopic pregnancy, or premature birth. In addition, they increase the likelihood of contracting the immunodeficiency virus: after all, if you have at least one gynecological infection, the body’s protective functions are reduced,